##The Pro version is without ads##This game, also know as "Life" is actually a cellular automaton devised by the mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.Its sort of a virtual world where many cells are living.They reproduce and die under certain conditions.This game does not need the player itself (kind of zero-player game), but we can make it more interactive by adding special atterns that will evolve inspecific ways, or by changing the rules of the world, for instance.The main features of my LiveWallpaper are: ¤ Changing the speed¤ Changing the size of the world¤ Changing the colors:¤ Changing the shape of cells (11 available)¤ Become master of the world by changing the rules (18 predefined rules):¤ Library patterns (over 130):¤ Create life or destroy it, simply by touching the screen!